About the Meeting
How we relate to others at work, whether they are colleagues, clients, prospective clients or other business contacts is key to individual career progression and business performance. People buy people , so considering what we are known for and how to be positively memorable are vital. This session looks at the importance of professional relationships, the psychology of personal image and impact and the three personal impact 'tools' which affect what people say about us when we're not in the room. Practical tips will help individuals improve how they are perceived and positively affect their professional relationships.
Please note that this talk and the Q&A afterwards will run from 18:00 to 20:00, in order to meet the 2 hours Professionalism CPD requirement. Dial in details will be circulated in advance.
Our speaker, Joanna Gaudoin, runs Inside Out Image helping professional individuals achieve greater career success and their organisations improve business performance, by working with them on their personal impact and relationship building skills. Focus sectors are professional and financial services.
Prior to establishing Inside Out Image, Joanna Gaudoin spent 10 years in marketing and consultancy. She now works with clients one-to-one, as well as speaking and running workshops across all areas of personal impact and relationship building; including appearance, body language and voice, as well as the skills and confidence for different ‘touchpoints’ such as meetings, networking and presentations.
Website: www.insideoutimage.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/joannagaudoin
Twitter: @joannainsideout
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsideOutImage/