About the Volunteering
Exam results are announced next month and we wanted to remind you that the best mark for each IFoA exam passed (excluding CT9) during the April 2019 sitting will be rewarded with a £50 Amazon voucher and a £50 donation to your chosen charity! This Charity can include but is not limited to:
BHF: £50 could help fund a training kit which allows more people to learn CPR
Amnesty International: £50 can help send human rights researchers to investigate torture and abuse
Macmillian Cancer Support: your donation of £50 could pay for a Macmillan Grant that buys someone with cancer a microwave, making it easier for them to prepare their food
Oxfam: £50 can help farmers to grow more food to feed their families
Shelter: £50 could help answer five urgent calls from families who desperately need our help. If we act now, we can change tomorrow for thousands facing homelessness
You will need to be a current SIAS member and send us your exam results letter on or before the 25th of July, along with a confirmation to share your name on our newsletter and your chosen charity on charity@sias.org.uk.
We will be announcing the winners in our August newsletter!