About the Meeting
The joy of difficult conversations at work
Conflicts, differences of opinion and challenging situations are a normal part of working life. However, most people find raising difficult topics, both internally and externally, challenging, and may even avoid them. This is rarely a good idea.
In many cases avoiding possible conflict and difficult conversations results in even greater challenges; it also does not help relationship building.
This session will look at different types of difficult conversations and default conflict modes. It will also cover techniques on how to have productive and positive difficult conversations, for a positive outcome and to build better relationships.
The speaker will be Joanna Gaudoin, who runs Inside Out Image and helps Professional & Financial Services people to excel at professional relationships in all work situations, be the best they can be and fulfil their potential - ultimately to progress their careers and improve the performance of their company/firm.
The session will be followed by an open Q&A session.
Presentation 6.00 -7.30 PM including open discussion
Location: Staple Inn Hall, High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH
Note that this event can only be attended in person. The event will be followed by networking drinks.
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